Trait relm4::factory::Factory

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pub trait Factory<Data, View>where
    Data: FactoryPrototype<View = View>,
    View: FactoryView<Data::Root>,{
    type Key: ?Sized;

    // Required method
    fn generate(&self, view: &View, sender: Sender<Data::Msg>);
Expand description

A container that is a able to efficiently update, generate and remove widgets that represent the data stored in the container.

Required Associated Types§


type Key: ?Sized

Key that provides additional information for the FactoryPrototype functions.

Required Methods§


fn generate(&self, view: &View, sender: Sender<Data::Msg>)

Efficiently update the view according to data changes.



impl<Data, View> Factory<Data, View> for FactoryVec<Data>where Data: FactoryPrototype<Factory = Self, View = View>, View: FactoryView<Data::Root>,


type Key = usize


impl<Data, View> Factory<Data, View> for FactoryVecDeque<Data>where Data: FactoryPrototype<Factory = Self, View = View>, View: FactoryView<Data::Root> + FactoryListView<Data::Root>, <Data as FactoryPrototype>::Root: Clone,